
来源 :小学时代(教育研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sticker2009
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家庭互助苑这一模式打破了传统的思维认识定势。指导操作过程是一种动态程序,家长可以充分将自己或家人的特长在各家庭面前进行展示、传授,教师则对学校中发现的问题与家教中共同存在的问题进行探讨。交互学习让家长在“互助苑”中更有乐趣,让孩子更为父母感到自豪。 Family Mutual Court this model broke the traditional thinking and understanding of the situation. Guiding operation process is a kind of dynamic program, parents can fully display their own or their family’s expertise in front of each family, imparting, while teachers discuss the problems found in the school and the common problems in tutoring. Interacting with learning allows parents to be more fun in Mutual Courts and make their children more proud of their parents.
目的 恐怖主义既是当代世界的一大公害,又是一个相当复杂的政治和社会问题,它是全人类文明社会的共同敌人,是危害世界和平与安全,经济发展与社会进步的毒瘤.方法 查阅美国国
SEVERE tracheal stenosis can not only cause criti-cal medical problems such as severe shortness of breath,hypoxia,and even orthopnea,but also impose overwhelmin
目的 了解中国人民武装警察基层部队对自然疫源性疾病防控方法的掌握情况及卫生防疫方面相关措施.方法 自行设计调查问卷,采取整群抽样的方法,2011年参加培训的武警部队基层
APLASTIC anemia (AA) is a bone marrow failure disease caused by abnormal activation of T lymphocytes,resulting in the apoptosis of he-matopoietic cells and bone
ORAL contraceptives are widely used to prevent pregnancy.A number of studies have dem-onstrated the increased risk of venous throm-boembolism in women taking or
目的 了解影响临床护生静脉穿刺成功率的因素,采取应对措施.方法 将2009年7月至2010年3月到我科的实习护生140名随机分为观察组和对照组各70名,对照组仅给予技术指导,观察组