China Buildman FairsInternational (“Buildman Fairs”hereafter) was established in 2012. Although the company was young, it possesses extensive experience from organizing Chinese construction enterprises to participate in international construction exhibitions for a governmental organization. The company aims to focus on the construction area and to assist Chinese manufactures to enter into international market. Recently, Overseas Exhibitions magazine interviewed Ms. Huang Jing, Assistant General Manager of Buildman Fairs, who generously shared her experience in helping Chinese companies selecting and in participating in international construction exhibitions that fit the position of their products, and her views on how e-commerce trade platform might influence the exhibition industry.
Since its establishment, Buildman Fairs International has been limiting i t s b u s i n e s s o n i n t e r n a t i o n a l exhibitions in the construction field, and touches no other industrial sectors. This allows the company to closely follow the trends in global construction market. The company s triv es to lo cate the s uita ble exhibitions for Chinese exhibitors by looking into the market factors in destination exhibition countries, and based on that, to seek for potential sales agents for Chinese companies with comprehensive service.
Having organized Chinese c o m p a n i e s t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n i n t e r n a t i o n a l e x h i b i t i o n s f o r several years, Huang is acquainted with the demands in both mature m a r k e t s l i k e t h e U S a n d i n emerging markets like South Africa. She comments that there has been an increase in demand in Russia, India, Brazil, Chile, Algeria, Burma, and that Buildman Fairs was able to provide this information to Chinese companies and help them to react to the demand in the market through exhibitions and other platforms. In comparison, the US and the EU countries maintain high standards for the technology, quality, and environmentally-friendliness of construction products, and Buildman Fairs is happy to share this information with exhibitors to exhibition with quality products.
Huang proposed four tips for Chinese construction companies to achieve the most in international exhibitions. First, to make it the premier aim to export in huge volumes, which means the first choice of destinations are emerging markets in Asia, South America, and Africa, to which manufactures are now exporting products of various categories and capacities. Second,to compete with quality products and competitive prices in mature market in the US, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Australia.
Third, to plan early and be alert to the sighs of potential business opportunities.Some Chinese enterprises have taken first bites of the market share in emerging markets including Venezuela, Costa Rica, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Angola. Last but not least, to participate in professional exhibitions rather than comprehensive ones, which means greater efficiency in locating target clients and also in gathering industrial developmental trends.
In addition, Huang suggests that exhibitors should consider throughly the qualification of the exhibition companies and, if the resources allow, cooperate with those that possess rich experiences in exhibition projects selection and in the organization work, so as to receive the proper service.
In her capacity of managing a team of about sixty employees in the company, Huang thinks that there are many prerequisites for a successful project manager. As the organization of international exhibitions consists of a whole process of market survey, product analysis, exhibitors organization,tradevisitors invitation, visa application, exhibits transportation, booth set-up, flight booking and schedule management, an ideal project manager must possess knowledge in the exhibition field, excellent language skills, be quick to react to the needs of clients, and in the meantime be flexible and perseverant.
Since its establishment, Buildman Fairs International has been limiting i t s b u s i n e s s o n i n t e r n a t i o n a l exhibitions in the construction field, and touches no other industrial sectors. This allows the company to closely follow the trends in global construction market. The company s triv es to lo cate the s uita ble exhibitions for Chinese exhibitors by looking into the market factors in destination exhibition countries, and based on that, to seek for potential sales agents for Chinese companies with comprehensive service.
Having organized Chinese c o m p a n i e s t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n i n t e r n a t i o n a l e x h i b i t i o n s f o r several years, Huang is acquainted with the demands in both mature m a r k e t s l i k e t h e U S a n d i n emerging markets like South Africa. She comments that there has been an increase in demand in Russia, India, Brazil, Chile, Algeria, Burma, and that Buildman Fairs was able to provide this information to Chinese companies and help them to react to the demand in the market through exhibitions and other platforms. In comparison, the US and the EU countries maintain high standards for the technology, quality, and environmentally-friendliness of construction products, and Buildman Fairs is happy to share this information with exhibitors to exhibition with quality products.
Huang proposed four tips for Chinese construction companies to achieve the most in international exhibitions. First, to make it the premier aim to export in huge volumes, which means the first choice of destinations are emerging markets in Asia, South America, and Africa, to which manufactures are now exporting products of various categories and capacities. Second,to compete with quality products and competitive prices in mature market in the US, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Australia.
Third, to plan early and be alert to the sighs of potential business opportunities.Some Chinese enterprises have taken first bites of the market share in emerging markets including Venezuela, Costa Rica, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Angola. Last but not least, to participate in professional exhibitions rather than comprehensive ones, which means greater efficiency in locating target clients and also in gathering industrial developmental trends.
In addition, Huang suggests that exhibitors should consider throughly the qualification of the exhibition companies and, if the resources allow, cooperate with those that possess rich experiences in exhibition projects selection and in the organization work, so as to receive the proper service.
In her capacity of managing a team of about sixty employees in the company, Huang thinks that there are many prerequisites for a successful project manager. As the organization of international exhibitions consists of a whole process of market survey, product analysis, exhibitors organization,tradevisitors invitation, visa application, exhibits transportation, booth set-up, flight booking and schedule management, an ideal project manager must possess knowledge in the exhibition field, excellent language skills, be quick to react to the needs of clients, and in the meantime be flexible and perseverant.