患者,男,72岁。因胸闷、气紧、咳嗽1个月于2015年9月28日入我院心血管内科进行治疗。患者于1个月前出现胸闷、气紧,快步行走、爬楼梯时明显,休息后稍缓解,阵发性连声咳嗽,痰白黏,偶有黄痰,夜间需高枕卧位,时有夜间呼吸困难发作,无胸痛发热咯黄脓痰,自行予以螺内酯、氯吡格雷、氢氯噻嗪、麝香保心丸口服后症状无明显好转,渐出现下肢水肿,遂至我院就诊。体格检查:体温:36.5℃,脉搏:85次/分,呼吸:20次/分,血压:110/63 mmHg。神清,颜面部无水肿,口唇无
Patient, male, 72 years old. Due to chest tightness, tightness, cough for 1 month on September 28, 2015 into our hospital cardiovascular medicine for treatment. Patients in 1 month ago appeared chest tightness, gas tight, walking quickly, when climbing the stairs obvious relief after a slight relief, paroxysmal cough, sputum white sticky, occasionally yellow sputum, high pillow position at night, sometimes night Breathing difficulties, no chest pain, fever, yellow purulent sputum, their own spironolactone, clopidogrel, hydrochlorothiazide, musk pill after oral administration no significant improvement in symptoms, gradually lower extremity edema, then to our hospital. Physical examination: body temperature: 36.5 ℃, pulse: 85 beats / min, breathing: 20 beats / min, blood pressure: 110/63 mmHg. Clear, facial swelling, no lips