课题宗旨:唤起情感,激发动机,促进基本素质发展。 课题由来:近年来,随着研究的深入,人们对情感在个体心理活动中的作用有了进一步的认识,认识到它不是从属于其他心理活动的“副产品”,而是个体心理素质的一个主要组成部分,具有重要的动机性和适应性功能,是人的认识和行为的唤起者和组织者。因而不少幼教理论工作者和实际工作者,纷纷探求以情感为切入口,通过唤起情感、激发动机来促进幼儿素质的发展。
Objectives of the project: to arouse emotion, stimulate motivation and promote the development of basic qualities. In recent years, with the deepening of research, people have got a further understanding of the role of emotion in the psychological activities of individuals, and realized that it is not a “byproduct” subordinated to other psychological activities, but a major component of individual psychological qualities Component, with important motivational and adaptive functions, is the initiator and organizer of human cognition and behavior. Therefore, many preschool education theoretical workers and practical workers have sought to use emotion as their starting point to promote the development of young children’s quality by arousing their emotions and stimulating their motivation.