补阳还五汤出自清代王清任《医林改错》,由黄芪、赤芍、川芎、当归、地龙、桃仁、红花7味药组成,重用黄芪补气,与活血化瘀药配伍,功在益气活血,主治气虚血瘀之中风。笔者根据其益气活血通络功效,用于难治之症,常获良效,举偶如下:1 麻痹性震颤验案何某,男,70岁。有高血压病史。诊时四肢麻木,震颤不止,虽能站立,但不能迈步,上肢抖动,不能持物。伴眩晕,神倦,气短懒言,心烦,夜卧不安。舌边紫红少苔,脉弦细。证属气虚血瘀,风动络阻,治当益气活血化瘀,拟补阳还五汤加育阴祛风之品:黄芪50g、赤芍10g、当归6g、红花6g、桃仁6g、川芎6g、地龙10g、蜈蚣2条、枣仁10g、石斛15g、钩藤20g、僵蚕10g,日一剂,水
The Buyang Huanwu Decoction was made by Wang Qingqing of the Qing Dynasty as “Medical Forest Reform Error” and consisted of Huangqi, Chishao, Chuanxiong, Chinese angelica, earthworm, peach kernel, and safflower 7-flavored medicines. It reuses jaundice and supplements qi, and it is compatible with blood circulation and removing phlegm medicine. The function is to qi and blood circulation and to treat Qi and blood stasis. According to the author’s Qi Qi Huoxue Tongluo effect, for refractory disease, often get good results, cited as follows: 1 paralysis tremor Hemou, male, 70 years old. Have a history of hypertension. At the time of consultation, the limbs were numb and the tremors were not enough. Although they were able to stand, they could not take a step and the upper limb was jittery and unable to hold. With dizziness, God tired, shortness of breath, lazy words, upset, restless nights. Purple tongue with little moss, pulse string. The card is Qi deficiency, blood stasis, wind movement, resistance, governance when qi and blood circulation, intended to buy Yang Huanwu Tang and Yuyin Qufeng products: Astragalus 50g, red peony root 10g, angelica 6g, safflower 6g, peach kernel 6g, Chuanxiong 6g, Ground Dragon 10g, Poria 2, Zaoren 10g, Dendrobium 15g, Uncaria 20g, Bombyx 10g, Day One, Water