[模拟试题] 人生之爱,始于亲人。亲人之爱,是妈妈怀抱婴儿时的微笑,也是爸爸牵引幼儿时的专注;是我们出门前听见的细细叮咛,也是我们归家时闻到的阵阵肉香;是爷爷送我上学时的蹒跚脚步, 也是奶奶喂我吃饭时的句句好话;是妈妈送到爷爷病床面前的可口饭菜,也是奶奶坚持等全家到齐再开饭时的期待目光;是我对爷爷的搀扶,也是父母对我的责骂;是盘问,是包容,是牵挂, 是依恋……有人说,世上种种情感,亲情最原始,最长久,也最真实。她只求付出,不求回报;她朴实无华,永不褪色。可以这么说,亲人之爱是滋润人类心田的甘露,是远行游子的心灵港湾,也是人类社会绵延不绝的不竭源泉。阅读上述材料,请以“亲情”为话题,写一篇600字以上的文章。题目自拟,文体不限。
[Simulation Questions] The love of life begins with relatives. The love of loved ones is the smile when the mother embraces the baby, and it is also the focus when the father hauls the child; it is the detail we hear before we go out, and it is also the bursts of meat we smell when we go home; it was when the grandfather sent me to school. It was a good thing when my grandmother fed me for dinner; it was a delicious meal my mother sent to her grandfather’s bed, and it was also the grandmother’s expectation when she was waiting for the whole family to return to dinner; it was my support for my grandfather and my parents for me. Responsibility is interrogation; it is tolerance, care, attachment, attachment... Some people say that all kinds of emotions in the world are the most primitive, longest, and most authentic. She only sought to pay, and she did not ask for a return; she was unpretentious and never faded. It can be said that the love of loved ones is the dew that nourish the hearts of human beings. It is the soul harbor for traveling far away and it is also an inexhaustible source of endless human society. To read the above materials, please write an article of 600 words or more on the subject of “kinship”. The topic is self-made and the style is not limited.