一、你的电子信箱安全吗? 作为一个因特网冲浪者,当你在网上浏览主页、加入IRC闲谈、BBS讨论时,享受着因特网带来的种种益处时,你可曾听说过或遇到过这些事情:北京某女大学生因同学冒名发EMAIL而被取消了留美奖学金以致双方对簿公堂,当你辛辛苦苦下载了信件,打开信箱一看,里面充斥着盲目散发的广告或某境外组织的宣传资料等诸如此类的垃圾信件(SPAM);你可曾考虑过这样的问题:当你读信时,你能确认这封信就是署名的发信人所写的并且未经篡改吗?当你发信时,你能保证只有合法的收信人能打开信件吗?特别的,当你浏览某个主页读取对方的信息时,你是否知道保存在你的电脑中的任何资料都可能正在被窃取呢?
First, is your e-mail safe? As an Internet surfer, when you surf the Web homepage, join the IRC chat, BBS discussion, enjoy the benefits of the Internet, you have heard or encountered These are the things that a Beijing university student canceled his scholarship to study in the United States because of a schoolmate’s fake EMAIL. When you have worked hard to download a letter and open a letter box, there are advertisements circulated blindly or advertised by some overseas organization Data and the like; Have you ever considered the question: When you read a letter, can you confirm that the letter was written by a signed sender and has not been tampered with? When you write Can you ensure that only legitimate recipients can open letters? In particular, do you know that any information stored on your computer may be stolen while you browse a home page to read each other’s information?