角色人格又叫地位人格。医护人员的角色人格类型按照角色行为对象是病人分为:客观型、恩赐型、权势型、动机型、还原型、兴奋型.按照角色行为对象是工作分为:进取型、迟缓型、急躁型、懒散型、不适应型、不协调型. 变构型医护人员角色人格是指具有医护人员地位所共同具备基本特征,可随病人和职业需要改变人格构型,并且产生与之相适应的角色行为的特定心理倾向的总和。当前,医学模式已从生物医学模式转变为生
Character personality is also called personality status. The role of health care workers Personality types According to the role of the object is the patient is divided into: objective type, gift type, power type, motivation type, reduction type, excitement type.According to the role of the object is the work is divided into: aggressive, slow, impatient Type, lazy, incommensurate, uncoordinated. The role of disguised health workers Personality refers to the status of medical staff have the common basic characteristics, with the patient and occupational needs to change the personality configuration, and produce appropriate The sum of the specific psychological tendencies of the character’s behavior. At present, the medical model has changed from biomedical model to health