1999年11月6日,东北名城沈阳。 上午,沈阳市委、市政府在沈阳军区“八·一”剧场隆重召开庆功大会,表彰在侦破“3·8”特大系列抢劫案中做出突出贡献的17个先进集体和95名先进个人。据悉,沈阳市公安局此次立功受奖的规模可以说是空前的,有不少群众自发组织起来,为获奖的干警们请功、祝贺。在此前的11月2日沈阳市公
November 6, 1999, the northeast city of Shenyang. In the morning, the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a grand celebration conference in the “8.1” theater of the Shenyang Military Region in recognition of 17 advanced collectives and 95 advanced individuals who made outstanding contributions in the detection of the “March 8” extravagant series of robberies. It is reported that Shenyang City Public Security Bureau of the merits of the award-winning scale can be said to be unprecedented, many people spontaneously organized for the award-winning police officers invites, congratulations. In the previous November 2, Shenyang City public