1病例报告患者,36岁,因“停经41+4周”于2014年9月5日8时45分入院。末次月经2013年11月17日,预产期2014年8月25日。孕早期无服用及接触对胎儿有害物质史,停经4月感胎动,孕期无产检,因孕41+4周末临产要求住院。平素身体健康,无特殊疾病史。体格检查:T 36.4℃、P 90次/min、R20次/min、BP 120/80 mm Hg,心肺听诊无明显异常,腹部膨隆,肝脾肋下触诊不满意,双下肢无水肿。产科情况:腹围94 cm,宫高34 cm,胎位ROA,
A case report of patients, 36 years old, due to “menopause 41 +4 weeks ” at 0845 on September 5 at 0845 admission. Last menstrual period November 17, 2013, expected date of birth August 25, 2014. Early pregnancy without taking and contact with the history of harmful substances in the fetus, menopause in April sense of fetal movement, pregnancy-free check-ups, due to pregnancy 41 + 4 weekend request for hospitalization. Normal physical health, no special disease history. Physical examination: T 36.4 ℃, P 90 beats / min, R 20 beats / min, BP 120/80 mm Hg, cardiopulmonary auscultation no obvious abnormalities, abdominal bulging, liver and spleen ribs palpation were not satisfied, no lower extremity edema. Obstetric conditions: abdominal circumference 94 cm, 34 cm high, fetal position ROA,