研制的弹簧比压可控振动可测型机械密封试验装置包括机械系统和计算机数据采集系统两大部分。其中 ,机械系统由试验台架、液压加载泵站、试验介质增压保压装置和传感器等部件组成 ;数据采集系统由温度、电动机转速、振动幅度、介质压力、泄漏量、扭矩、弹簧力等数据采集电路 ,以及串行通信控制电路和组合电源等组成。这种机械密封试验装置在理论研究方面实现了动态下机械密封弹簧比压的测量和探讨振动对机械密封性能的影响 ;在实际应用方面可为机械密封产品提供静压试验和运转试验。
The developed spring pressure controllable vibration testable mechanical seal test device includes two major parts, mechanical system and computer data acquisition system. Among them, the mechanical system consists of a test bench, a hydraulic loading pump station, a test medium pressurization and pressure keeping device and a sensor, etc. The data acquisition system consists of temperature, motor speed, vibration amplitude, medium pressure, leakage, torque, spring force, etc. Data acquisition circuit, as well as serial communication control circuit and combined power supply and other components. The mechanical seal test device in the theoretical research to achieve a dynamic measurement of the mechanical seal spring pressure and to explore the vibration on the mechanical seal performance; practical applications for the mechanical seal products to provide static pressure test and running test.