In the ward, the hand hygiene is usually fast, with an average of 8 to 10 seconds, and at the same time, the frequency of handwashing can be high, even up to 80-100 times per day. Especially in the winter, hand washing can cause skin damage, such as: dry skin, chapped, or even damaged. Some hospital staff have already had dry skin, dermatitis or atrophy. Hand washing and disinfection methods are often based on laboratory tests, which are usually performed in “ideal” conditions and in the general population. For example: The subject’s skin is a normal young person, and the number of handwashings per day is small. Therefore, these tests do not represent the real effect of different methods in the real world. This article examines how healthcare workers wash their hands without soap or other detergents, but with specially formulated alcohol, such as 2% glycerol emollient. This emollient alcohol is commonly used in hospital staff for disinfecting hands with