在传统胶卷时代,ISO 800以上的胶卷已经属于高感光度的产品。现如今,数码相机的感光度已动辄上万。2014年上半年,两款提供ISO 409600超高感光度的产品面世:尼康D4s全画幅数码单反与索尼α7S全画幅数码微单——超高感光度的时代来临。数码相机感光度发展的历史早期的数码相机在感光度方面表现并不突出。比如经典的佳能Powershot G2数码相机的感光度仅为ISO 50~ISO 400,佳能早期的旗舰级数
In the traditional film era, ISO 800 film has been a high sensitivity products. Nowadays, the sensitivity of digital cameras has been on the thousands. In the first half of 2014, two products that offered ISO 409600 ultra-high sensitivity were introduced: the era of Nikon D4s full frame digital SLR and Sony α7S full frame digital micro single-super high sensitivity. The history of digital camera sensitivity development Early digital cameras in the sensitivity performance is not prominent. Such as the classic Canon Powershot G2 digital camera sensitivity of only ISO 50 ~ ISO 400, Canon’s early flagship series