本文对76例抢救成功后的高危新生儿进行眼底检查,探讨了早产儿视网膜病(Retinapa-thy of prematu rity,ROP)的发病情况及发病因素。20例足月儿无1例眼底发病,12例早产儿发生1~3期视网膜病变(12/56,21.43%)。经统计学多元逐步回归分析,发病与孕周、出生体重、氧疗方式、生后缺氧密切相关(P<0.01)。早产儿中发病组与正常组单因素对照分析,结论相同。上述因素及用氧浓度和用氧持续时间差异显著(P<0.01)。本组病例中1~2期病变者未予治疗,2例3期病变接受冷凝治疗,近远期效果良好。提示对孕周<34周,出生体重<2000g,较长时间接受氧疗的早产儿,尤应警惕视网膜病的发生,早期诊治,以防后遗症的出现。
In this paper, 76 cases of high-risk neonates after successful rescue operation were examined by funduscopy to investigate the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and its pathogenesis. There were no cases of fundus in 20 cases of full-term infants and retinal lesions in 12 cases of premature infants (12/56, 21.43%). By statistical multiple stepwise regression analysis, incidence and gestational age, birth weight, oxygen therapy, and postnatal hypoxia are closely related (P <0.01). Preterm infants in the onset group and the normal group of single factor control analysis, the same conclusion. The above factors and the oxygen concentration and duration of oxygen difference was significant (P <0.01). The group of patients with stage 1 to 2 lesions were not treated, 2 cases of 3 lesions received condensation treatment, the near and long-term results are good. Tip gestational age <34 weeks, birth weight <2000g, a long time oxygen therapy in premature children, especially should be alert to the occurrence of retinopathy, early diagnosis and treatment, to prevent the occurrence of sequelae.