爱国将领刘忠干(1896—1989)字教同,清光绪丙申二十二年(公元1896年)1月1日,出生于山东省潍县城里郭宅街,被称为“大中丞”的名门望族,为清道光年间闽浙总督刘鸿翱的后裔。 刘忠干将军早年目睹清朝政治腐败,列强横行,大肆侵略、欺凌中国人民,激起强烈的爱国心和忧国忧民的炽情,决定投笔从戎,于1917年考入保定陆军军官学校。1933年任驻天津东北军陆军五十一军中将参谋长。1935年奉调西进驻陕、甘一带、军长于学忠被蒋介石任命为陕、甘边区“剿匪”总司令,总部设在西安,又被任命为甘肃省政府主席,刘忠干则常驻兰州边区总部,完成各项工作。
Patriotic general Liu Zhonggan (1896-1989) the same word with the teachings, Guangxu C 22 years (AD 1896) January 1, was born in Wei County in Shandong Province Guozhai Street, known as “Dazhong Cheng” Famous family, as the descendants of the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang governor Liu Hongao during the Qing dynasty. In his early years, General Liu Zhonggan witnessed the political corruption in the Qing Dynasty, the rampant aggression of the powers, the aggressive aggression, the bullying of the Chinese people, the intense patriotism and the fiery sentiment regarding the concern for the country. He decided to vote in military affairs and was admitted to Baoding Army Army School in 1917. In 1933 he served as chief of staff of the 51st PLA Army Army in Northeast China. In 1935, he moved westward to station in Shaanxi and Gansu. Chief Commander Yu Xuezhong was appointed by Jiang Jieshi as commander-in-chief of “banditry” in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. He was headquartered in Xi’an and was appointed chairman of Gansu provincial government. Liu Zhonggan resided in the Lanzhou border area Headquarters, to complete the work.