Right opportunists in the education sector not only attack the party’s leadership and the party’s education square, but also attack the general line, the Great Leap Forward and the people’s communes. However, they always appear in the posture of the “care-for-education” sanctuary and achieve the purpose of fundamentally opposing the general line, the Great Leap Forward and the people’s communes. They are very clever disguise, the means are more sinister. For example, they said: “Since the Great Leap Forward and communalization, family education has been a big issue. Parents, older brothers, older sisters, and sons (both parents) have gone to production. There is no one at home.” Obviously, it is not only the The main issue of children’s education is targeting the Great Leap Forward and the people’s communes. Why do right-wing opportunists chatter about being so keen on the so-called family education issue? It is nothing more than slandering our people’s communes to “undermine the family.” What is the difference between this and the voice of Dulles? What is the difference with the people’s commune’s fallacy of “getting ahead” and “messing up”?