《阿凡达》风靡全球,也席卷着中国电影市场。我们不否认《阿凡达》有一个稍显平庸的故事,但必须承认,在发出质疑之前,我们的双眼早已被征服,被它超乎想像的视觉特效所震撼,而且是“前所未有的震撼”。詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)带给我们的,是一场属于眼睛的梦幻之旅,是一次新的生命体验。在优美的画面中,我们雪藏已久的想像力重新被唤醒,儿时那纯净的梦再次出现。《阿凡达》的视
“Avatar” swept the world, but also swept the Chinese movie market. We do not deny that Avatar has a somewhat mediocre story, but we must admit that before questioning our eyes have been conquered, shaken by its unimaginable visual effects and “an unprecedented shock” . What James Cameron brought to us is an eye-catching dream trip and a new life experience. In the beautiful picture, our long-awaited imagination is awakened again, when the pure dream reappears. “Avatar” view