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这50年,是我们离现代化越来越近、离世界越来越近,但离传统却越来越远的五十年……这50年,是民族器乐从自然传承向学院式专业教育转型的五十年……这50年,是由传统教育的“传道授业”向“单纯传技”衰变的50年……面对这一严峻的现实,有为数不多的人,能够执著地守护传统、传承传统,并以传统为依托进行大胆而又谨慎的发展和具有个性的创造,为中国文化向传统的回归和传统自身的接续,留下了一条虽然微弱但却清晰而又鲜活的脉络。王范地老师就是这为数不多的学者中的一位。王范地老师50年如一日,始终把“传道”、“育人”放在教学的首位。他……由原本师承的口传心授,逐步摸索出系统的学院式琵琶教学体系。他博采各琵琶流派和其他民族乐器的所长,广泛汲取各种音乐和文化学科的滋养,以及采用演奏与理论相结合的“双导师制”等,努力把琵琶教学提升到理论、美学和文化的高度……他不仅教给学生如何做人,更想方设法引导学生去领悟中国文化精神的真谛,为年轻一代做出了榜样……——原中国音乐学院院长李西安在《王范地从艺从教50年师生音乐会》的讲话 These 50 years are the 50 years we are getting closer and closer to modernization, closer and closer to the world, but farther and farther away from tradition ... In the past 50 years, the transformation of folk instrumental music from natural heritage to academic professional education Fifty years ... In the past 50 years, 50 years have passed since the “traditional teaching” of preaching to “purely technical transfer”. In the face of this grim reality, there are a handful of people who can persistently Guarding traditions, inheriting traditions, relying on traditions for bold and cautious development and creating with individuality, leaving the Chinese culture a return to the tradition and the continuation of the tradition itself, leaving behind a weak but clear and vivid The context. Wang Fandi is one of the few scholars in this field. Wang Fandi teacher 50 years as a day, always put “preaching”, “educating people” on the first place in teaching. He ... ... by the original teacher’s oral heart, gradually developed a systematic academic pipa teaching system. He draws on the Pipa genre and director of other national musical instruments, extensively draws on the nourishment of a variety of music and cultural disciplines, as well as the combination of playing and theory of “double mentor system”, and strive to promote the teaching of pipa theory, aesthetics and Cultural height ...... He not only taught students how to behave, but also find ways to guide students to understand the true meaning of Chinese cultural spirit, for the younger generation to set an example ...... - Former Chinese Conservatory of Music Li Xian in the “ From teaching 50 years of teachers and students concert ”speech
我是小雅,同名是公主。两年前,我在网上遇到了一个网名叫青蛙的网友。因为聊得很开心,所以决定和他见一面。 I am Xiaoya, the same name is the princess. Two years ago,
为了解十堰地区皮肤病疾病谱及年龄分布的变化情况,本文对我院附院1989年~1996年皮肤科2356例住院病例进行了分析。1 资料与方法1.1 资料来源:以我院附院1989年~1996年皮肤科全
在我的书桌上,按出版时间先后摆放着以下六种琵琶演奏业余考级教材:⒈ 四川省、市考级琵琶标准 1991年4月⒉ 中央音乐学院校
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