不是春天,可是,蓉城却这般春光明媚,春色宜人! 是来自东西南北,来自城市、乡村、深山老林的无数英雄,象无数盛开的红色鲜花,把这锦城打扮得分外娇艳! 谁,都会为这些英雄的光辉动人事迹而感到骄傲。为了培养红色的后一代,为了歌颂这伟大时代、伟大领袖的光辉灿烂的思想,为了宣扬党领导人民取得的数不尽的建设成就,为了使祖国科学文化躍居世界先进行列,为了保证人民的身体健康,为了……。他们日以继夜,不知呕尽了多少心血!他们是技术革命和文化革命的尖兵,是时代的火车头,是人民的好勤务员,是党和毛主席的好儿女! 让我们哀心地向他们祝贺! 亲爱的读者,当你们读着这里被载的教育战线上一些英雄的光辉事迹以后,你一定会感到非常高兴,也一定会信心百倍地学习他们,赶上他们,超过他们。我们深信,在教育革命,教学改革和技术革命中,一定会陆续涌现出更多更多的英雄模范。让我们预祝大家取得新的伟大成绩!
Not spring, but Chengdu is so bright spring, spring is pleasant! From east, west, north and south, from countless heroes of cities, villages, mountains and forests, like countless blooming red flowers, Will be proud of the heroic deeds of these heroes. In order to cultivate the red generation after generation, in order to celebrate the glorious ideas of this great era and great leader, in order to proclaim the countless achievements made by the party in leading the people, to make the science and culture of the motherland one of the advanced countries in the world and to ensure the people’s Good health, for ... They are day and night, I do not know how much I vomit effort! They are pioneers of technological revolution and cultural revolution, is the locomotive of the times, is the good servants of the people, is the good daughter of the party and Chairman Mao! Let us heart-beard to congratulate them! Readers, when you read the glorious deeds of some heroes on the educational front contained here, you will certainly be very happy and will certainly learn with confidence and catch up with them and surpass them. We are convinced that more and more heroic models will surely emerge in the education revolution, teaching reform and technological revolution. Let us wish everyone great new achievements!