“中国有句古话:‘前人种树,后人乘凉。’我们来中国访问,不仅要与中国学校建立合作关系,为子孙种下教育之树,更要促进中美友好交流,为世界种下和平之树。”美国波士顿复兴特许公立学校学区督学Roger Harris一席发言引起同行的美国校长的强烈共鸣。11月7日至14日,应孔子学院总部/国家汉办邀请,美国41个州的381位美国中小学校长、教
“There is an old saying in China:” The predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade. “When we came to visit China, we not only established cooperative relations with Chinese schools, planted education for future generations, but also promoted friendly exchanges between China and the United States. Planting a tree of peace. ”A statement by Roger Harris, a school inspector from Boston’s revival charter public school, resonated strongly with his counterpart in the United States. From November 7 to November 14, at the invitation of Confucius Institute Headquarters / Hanban, 381 primary and secondary school principals in 41 U.S. states