十二年作死苦读,高考完,填报志愿,被顺利录取,快递小哥把轻如鸿毛重如泰山的录取信塞你手里……事情进行到此处,你似乎就已完成了一切使命,从此迎来美好人生。我以为你只是单纯,没想到你竟然是天真。《中国青年报》2016年的一则针对2 002名受访者的调查显示:近8成受访者在大学期间想过转专业。原因有很多,比如:对专业学习的内容不感兴趣、感觉专业就业前景不好、专业跟自身的职业规划不符、父母希望他们转专业、自己觉得学不好本专业等。
Twelve years as a result of studying hard, college entrance examination finished, fill in volunteer, was successfully admitted, courier brother light as heavy as Taishan admission letter in your hand ... ... Here, you seem to have done everything Mission, ushered in a better life. I thought you were simple, did not think you turned out to be naive. A 2016 survey of 2,200 respondents in China Youth Daily showed that nearly 80% of respondents thought of majors during college. There are many reasons, such as: the content of professional learning is not interested, I feel professional employment prospects are not good, professional with their own career planning does not match, parents hope that they turn professional, I think they do not learn the profession.