
来源 :中国生漆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianwang782
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中国是一个漆器之国,漆器和髹漆技术是中国古代的一大发明。我们的祖先在与大自然的亲密接触和抗争中发现了桼的奥秘,创造了漆器,使其能够为人类的生活需要服务,开漆器文化发展之滥觞。跨湖桥文化遗址出现的漆弓,堪称世界上最古老的漆器,距今8000年。浙江河姆渡文化遗址出土的朱漆木碗,是目前所见最早的朱髹漆器标本。马家浜文化时期出现了彩绘漆器,良渚文化时期出现了嵌玉漆器,彩绘艺术精彩,达到了史前漆器艺术的高峰。先秦时期,漆器艺术已趋成熟,漆器品种之杂,数量之多,造型之美,纹样之繁,色彩之绚,制作之精,工艺之巧,器物之美,分布之广,都远远超过了前代。青铜工艺和治铁技术的出现,促进了漆器制胎技术的革命,漆器手工业无论在数量、品种以及制作技术诸方面,都有了长足的进步,出现了普及化、日用化、生活化、情趣化的趋势。 China is a country of lacquerware, and lacquerware and lacquerware technology are a great invention in ancient China. Our ancestors discovered the mysteries of the gods in close contact with nature and created lacquer wares so that they could serve the needs of humankind and develop the culture of lacquer ware. The lacquer arch that crosses Lake Bridge Cultural Site is the oldest lacquerware in the world, 8000 years ago. Zhejiang Hemudu cultural relics unearthed Zhu lacquer wood bowl, is the earliest seen Zhu 髹 lacquer specimens. There was a lacquered lacquer ware in Majiabang culture period, a jade lacquer ware emerged in the period of Liangzhu culture, the art of painting was brilliant and reached the peak of prehistoric lacquer art. In the pre-Qin period, the art of lacquer ware had matured. The lacquer wares had many varieties, numerous shapes, beautiful shapes, numerous patterns, brilliant colors, fine craftsmanship, generation. The emergence of bronze and iron treatment technology has promoted the revolution of lacquer tire manufacturing technology. The lacquer handicraft industry has made great strides in terms of quantity, variety and production technology, with the popularization, daily use, life style, Taste of the trend.
 法国农业部日前颁布法令,从7月18日起严禁从西班牙进口生猪。  法国官方报刊登载的这一法令说,由于西班牙发生了全国性猪瘟,法国决定禁止进口西班牙原产的家猪、野猪及其精
婴幼儿腹泻为临床常见病、多发病,笔者采用乳母服药,婴幼儿肌注的给药法,治疗母乳喂养的婴幼儿腹泻,疗效满意,现报告如下。 一般资料 本组患儿中男106例,女94例;年龄3个月以内者54例,3个月~1周岁