潜艇号称“鲨”,而专门与“鲨”为“敌”的是猎潜艇。在中国人民海军的编制序列中,就有这样一支水面舰艇的兵种——以猎“鲨”为己任的猎潜艇部队。南海舰队某猎潜艇大队组建于1993年,这支年轻的猎“鲨”部队在短短的10年间,从一只稚嫩的雏鹰练就成了令水下“巨鲨”望而生畏的“猎鲨神鹰”。 ●分秒考验 早春二月,晨曦微露,正在军港内休整的“安吉”艇突然接到上级命令:据观通站报告,在距我港20海里海域有不明潜艇活动,命你
Submarines are called “sharks,” while “sharks” are the “enemy” hunting submarines. In the sequence of preparation for the Chinese People's Navy, there is such a kind of surface warship - a submarine hunting sub-unit that hunts for “sharks.” A submarine hunting submarine squadron of the South China Sea Fleet was established in 1993. In just 10 years, this young hunting “shark” unit trained as a submarine “giant shark” from a tender young eagle into a daunting “hunting shark Eagle. ” ● test every second of early spring in February, dawn Wei Lu, is resting in the military harbor “Anji” boat suddenly received a command: According to reports from the station, in my 20 sea area away from my harbor unknown submarine activities, life you