当我们在影视剧中看到,坦克兵开起坦克,冲锋陷阵,翻山越岭,弹无虚发,所向披靡,令人敬佩和羡慕。但是要想成为一名合格的坦克兵,“理论学习、模拟操作、实装操作、协同演练”这四门必修课,一个都不能少。Step 1:理论学习新兵下连后,连队会根据你申报的专业,进行军事技能、理论知识等考核,才能初步确定你更适应学坦克三大专业(车长、驾驶员,炮长)。完成了这一步,接下来就要进行理论学习。这个时候会根据专业特点,学完共同知识部分后,将按专业分到各个教室进行对口的理论学习。从了解掌握坦克的构造、性能学起,从装备操作技能逐步巩固,按专业逐人过筛考核,
When we see in the film and television series, the tanks and soldiers opened their tanks, assault strikes, over the mountains, played nothing, invincible, admirable and envious. However, in order to become a qualified tanker, one of the four required courses of theoretical study, simulation, actual operation and co-rehearsal should not be less. Step 1: Theoretical study Under the newly recruited company, even the team will be based on your declared professional, military skills, theoretical knowledge and other assessment, to initially determine you are more adaptable to learn three major tanks (commander, driver, gunner). Completed this step, the next will be theoretical study. This time will be based on professional characteristics, after learning the common knowledge part, will be assigned to the various professions by the professional theoretical counterparts to learn. From understanding the structure of the tank to master, learn from the performance, and gradually from the equipment and operation skills to consolidate, according to professional sieve test,