On characteristic eco—teaching of English in primary school

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  With the arrival of the mobile internet era, the interaction among people all over the world becomes more and more closely. Therefore, it is the trend that for all walks of life to develop an "ecosystem" or "sharing economy" in their industries. In order to catch up with this trend, a lot of researchers have paid great attentions to the field of primary school teaching. Today, characteristic teaching of English in primary school has received extensive attention and in-depth study so that the traditional teaching method in elementary education known as “rigid” and “teach-centred” and “knowledge-feeding” will be gradually changed, and the English foundation of the students will be obviously improved with the new “student-centred” teaching method.
  It is very important to create a special class and a special classroom teaching method in order to stimulate the vitality of all participants, both the students and the teachers.
  The significant of developing characteristic eco-teaching of English in primary school
  Primary school students are in the period that their brains have the strongest ability of plasticity. Also, since their tongues are very flexible, their memory capacities are very large, and their mother languages have shown relatively little influence on their language learning and pronouncing process, primary school students can learn other natural languages much more easily. In the meantime, primary school students tend to have strong interests and desires in learning knowledge, while their psychological baggage are small and they are dare to and willing to express themselves in this age period.Therefore, it is important to create a good English learning environment or even a good English culture environment for the students in primary school for English teaching.
  This teaching ecosystem, or the so called “eco-teaching” method, will properly stimulate the great interests and the strong motivations in English learning, while creating an effective and interesting learning atmosphere in classroom.
  2.The principle of developing characteristic eco-teaching of English in primary school
  Firstly, create the Omni-directional English teaching environment.
  Secondly, build harmonious and equal relationship between teachers and students.
  Thirdly, use plentiful and flexible teaching methods.
  The approaches of developing characteristics eco-teaching of English in primary school
  First of all, actively develop a serious of appropriate special courses in English teaching. Due to the daily practice with guidance, characteristic eco-teaching will eventually change the thoughts, the habits and even the spirits of every teachers and students. In the meantime, given full consideration to the different development of different grades of students, these special English courses and materials should be appropriate to each of them, respectively.   Secondly, fully inspire the enthusiasm of every student. Carry out group activities during English teaching shows great help to stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of students in primary school. Set up teams in class and let every team members take turns as team leader will effectively alter the situation that the teachers are the only organizers of class activities.
  Thirdly, properly explore and make use of the high quality internet teaching resources. It has been a common knowledge that properly use of the network teaching resources and distance education platforms both domestic and abroad can definitely let the students be in touch with a lot more high quality study methods and courses. These platforms will play a very important role in continuously expanding the horizons and inspiring the interest of learning of the students in primary school, and also in achieving the goal of developing characteristic eco-teaching of English in primary school.
  Last but not least, gradually build the unique atmosphere of English culture on campus. While creating the English learning atmosphere on the base of using English signs and holding English corners, it is also important to consistently set up campus activities such as English broadcast, oral English exhibition, English reading competition, reporting English learning results to parents and so on.
  In conclusion, the development of characteristic eco-teaching of English in primary school is to continuously inspire the students' learning enthusiasm. By the joint efforts of teachers, students and the school, students' English level and their innovation ability will be gradually improved, teachers’ theoretical level and teaching experience will be continually strengthened, and campus’English culture and its characteristic brand will be broadly promoted.
语文课程具有丰富的人文内涵,语文教学是一门极富有艺术特色的创造性活动,如何把一堂平凡普通的课上得生动活泼,如何把平淡的课堂化为神奇的世界,使学生即能品味优美之语言,又能感受生动之形象,即有思想感情之熏陶,又有艺术魅力之享受,是我们每一位语文老师的追寻的目标。俗话说“良好的开始,就是成功的一半”,就让我们从一堂课的 课堂导入入手吧。 课堂导入是课堂教学环节中的重要一环,是课堂教学的前奏,如同一出戏的
一、微课在小学数学教学中的应用意义  在信息时代的影响下,大多数教师已经在课堂教学中广泛地使用PPT、多媒体技术、投影仪等辅助教学手段。但是,教师教学时间和地点受到一定限制的问题依然没有得到解决。微课是近几年出现的新型教学资源,它具有强大的信息交互功能,教师可借助微课将教学视频上传并分享给学生,方便学生随时随地学习。  微课是一种微型教学视频课程。其主要是围绕某个教学知识点,遵循课程要求,以视频的
由于小学生的认知水平较为有限,因此只能在表面的层次上感知课文以及理解课文,所以需要教师充分发挥引导者的作用,带领学生深层次的去探索课文。任何一篇课文都有灵魂,都有中心,无论是课文有多长的篇幅,怎样变换表达形式,其核心都没有变,而这核心需要教师去发现,亮点需要教师去捕捉,并善于用自己发现的东西去设计小学语文课堂教学,只有这样才能够有效地提升小学语文课堂教学。  1.激发学生思考  在实际教学的时候,
自主、合作、探究是《基础教育课程改革纲要》提倡的三种学习方式,在语文教学中要贯彻好这一精神,就必须真正明确它们的内涵。自主,就是主动地在语文实践中丰富人文素养,提高语文能力。合作就是要切磋学问,砥砺思想,共同完成学习任务。探究就是要求善于质疑问难,深入研究并解决问题。那么,在语文教学中如何落实自主、合作、探究性学习呢?  1.赋予学生自主学习的权利  自主即是在教育过程中要强调学生主体地位,赋予他
所谓扎实、有效的数学课堂教学:是指在数学教学课堂这样有限的时间和空间内,教师采取恰当的教学方式,激发学生学习的积极性,让学生主动参与学习过程,在学习过程中获取大量真正理解的有效的、扎实的知识。同时,充分培养和锻炼学生的创新精神和实践能力,形成良好的情感、正确的态度和价值观,促进学生全面发展的教学。如何让数学课堂教学更扎实、更有效? 下面结合具体的实例谈谈自己的一些做法  一、注重课前预习、课后复习
“重视学生的学习过程,研究学生的学法”是当前教学改革的中心课题。为了适应新时代的需要,教师必须更新教育观念。接受现代教学思想。而教学思想转变的核心是对“教”与“学”关系的处理。通俗地说,就是教师的“教”是为学生的“学”服务,“教”是为了使学生学会“学”,把原来的“授之以鱼”转变为“授之以渔”,进而达到“放手”。现在,我根据自己的实践,谈谈这方面的做法和体会。  (一)动手操作,丰富感知  人们是用
《数学课程标准》(修订稿)明确提出:数学活动是师生共同参与、交往互动的过程,有效的数学教学活动是教师教与学生学的统一。因此,师生的有效互动是课堂活动的核心,课堂活动的互动是师生和生生的共识、共享、共进的双向建构,实现学与学、教与学的相长和发展。我认为要实现课堂互动的双向建构,重要的是要落实“平等”、 “掌控”和“生成”三个关键策略。  一、构建平等的师生关系——互尊、民主、和谐。  学生的互动参与
习近平总书记在讲到培养和弘扬社会主义核心价值观的时候,特别强调要继承和创新发展中华民族的优秀道德文化。中学生正处在人生价值观形成的关键阶段,加强对中学生的社会主义核心价值观教育,对于塑造他们健全的人格品质、良好的人文素养和崇高的民族精神意义重大。  语文教学绝不是只为了让学生得到一些关于字、词、句、段、篇的基本知识和修辞手法说明方法之类的知识,具有能熟练运用祖国语言文字的能力,还要注重提高学生的审