乔舒亚·尤尼科尔(Joshua Unikel)是美国当代散文家兼平面设计师。获纽约州立大学水牛城分校视觉艺术硕士学位及爱荷华大学非虚构性写作项目创意写作硕士学位。目前在休斯顿大学艺术学院教授平面设计,并兼任《塞内加评论》杂志助理编辑。他也是2015年《塞内加评论》特刊《超越体裁》主编之一。其视觉艺术作品曾在底特律当代艺术馆、费城设计、及澳大利亚的格里菲斯大学艺术馆展出;其文学作品则散见于《西部人文评论》、《三
Joshua Unikel is a contemporary American essayist and graphic designer. He earned a master’s degree in visual arts from Buffalo, State University of New York and a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Iowa for nonfiction writing projects. He currently teaches graphic design at the University of Houston School of Art and serves as assistant editor of the Senegalese Commentary magazine. He is also one of the editors of “Transcend Genre”, a special issue of the 2015 Senegalese Review. His visual works have been exhibited at the Detroit Museum of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia Design, and at the Griffith University Museum of Art in Australia; his literary works are widely found in Western Humanities Review,