The active-to-passive oxidation transition mechanism and engineering prediction method of C/SiC comp

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neo1997
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This paper studied the active-to-passive oxidative mechanism of C/SiC composite under high temperature and oxidative conditions. An analytic model and computational method were established based on the process of gas diffusion in boundary layer and the equilibrium relations in surface chemical reactions. Simultaneously, an engineering equation to predict the oxygen partial pressure of active-to-passive transition was derived under the specific temperature zone. The results indicated that the active-to-passive oxidation transition of C/SiC is closely related to the composition of the material. At certain temperature and oxygen partial pressure conditions, the composite with high carbon content is prone to cause active oxidation which is negative to the oxidation resistance of the material. This paper studied the active-to-passive oxidative mechanism of C / SiC composite under high temperature and oxidative conditions. An analytic model and computational methods were established based on the process of gas diffusion in boundary layer and the equilibrium relations in surface chemical reactions. Simultaneously, an engineering equation to predict the oxygen partial pressure of active-to-passive transition was derived under the specific temperature zone. The results indicated that the active-to-passive oxidation transition of C / SiC is closely related to the composition of the material. At certain temperature and oxygen partial pressure conditions, the composite with high carbon content is prone to cause the active oxidation which is negative to the oxidation resistance of the material.
【摘要】探索研究性学习课程资源开发利用,有利于研究性学习课程的资源得到最有效的配置,使经费,设备,师资等条件发挥最大的效益,确保研究性学习课程的顺利实施。  【关键词】教学、研究性学习  【中图分类号】 G642  【文献标识码】 A  【文章编号】1006-5962(2012)08(a)-0056-0l  1 开发利用研究性学习课程资源的渠道  充分而又高效地使用校内课程资源,生成研究性学习课程
如何使现有抗癲痫药物获得最好疗效,是目前防治癲痫的一个重要问题。本文仅报告抗痫灵在实验动物中的抗惊作用。一、实验材料: ①抗痫灵:系济南市中心医院配方,由济南第三制