夏季,对每一位美丽自信的女士来说,确是一个群芳争艳的好季节。但是,你在充分享受大自然温暖的同时,切莫忽视了对自己皮肤的正确护理。夏季气候炎热,人体皮肤汗腺分泌旺盛,机体新陈代谢加速,再加上日光照射强烈,容易引起各种皮肤病变。所以,夏季护肤的首要原则是清洁和防晒,其次是适度的滋润和保湿。 1.清洁:为什么要把清洁放在夏季皮肤护理的首位,道理其实很简单,就如我们夏季需要经常洗澡一样。夏季皮肤汗腺和皮脂腺分泌旺盛,易造成皮肤毛孔的堵塞,影响皮肤的正常呼吸和进一步排泄,
Summer, for every beautiful and confident lady, it is indeed a good season blooming. However, while fully enjoying the warmth of nature, you should not neglect the proper care of your skin. Summer hot weather, strong secretion of sweat glands on the human body, the body metabolism accelerated, coupled with intense sunlight, easily lead to a variety of skin lesions. Therefore, the first principle of summer skin care is cleaning and sun protection, followed by a moderate moisturizing and moisturizing. 1. Cleaning: Why clean the first place in summer skin care, the truth is actually very simple, just as we need to take a bath in the summer the same. Summer skin sweat glands and sebaceous secretion, easy to cause skin pores, affecting the normal breathing of the skin and further excretion,