民国“黑幕”派的产生是多种因素合力作用的结果。近代社会生活条件、思想文化潮流 ,传统与外来文化影响 ,作家的文学志趣与创作追求 ,读者层面及商界、出版界炒作诸因素皆发生作用。陆士谔的《政界之黑幕》与其社会小说的宗旨一致 ,抒发了作者郁郁不平之气与挽救颓丧世风的“救世”之苦心
The generation of the “shady” faction in the Republic of China is the result of a combination of many factors. Modern social life conditions, ideological and cultural trends, the impact of tradition and foreign culture, the writer’s literary interest and pursuit of creation, the reader level and the business community, the publishing industry hype all factors play a role. Lu Shih-tang’s “political shady” is in line with the aims of his social novels, expressing the author’s unending gas and the “salvation” of saving the depressed world