有颠覆就有捍卫,如同有攻就有守,有胜就有败,是世间最朴素的哲学真理。在 NBA 里,够资格用上“捍卫”二字的,自然都是富可敌国的豪门巨户。马刺、热火、活塞,从2003年开始,尊贵的奥布莱恩杯就没有离开过这三路诸侯的掌握,惹得天下豪杰垂涎三尺,偏生无可奈何。不过今年,达拉斯、凤凰城等新生贵族已将总决赛的大门敲得震天响,大有“城头不变大王旗,老爷我便不收兵”的架势。听着后来者吹响的革命号角,三支“老头”球队,又将怎样捍卫自己的荣耀?
There is a subversion to defend, as there is a defensive attack, victory is defeated, is the world’s most simple philosophy of truth. In the NBA, enough to qualify for the word “defend”, nature is rich and powerful giants. Spurs, Heat, Pistons, since 2003, the distinguished O’Brien Cup has not left the control of these three princes, prompting the world coveted coveted, students do nothing. However, this year, Dallas, Phoenix and other freshmen have knocked the door to the finals, loudly, “the same flag of the city head, I will not accept the royal” posture. Listen to the successor sounded the Revolution Horn, three “old man ” team, and how to defend their glory?