News reform is not an arbitrary slogan. News work has long been influenced by the “Left” and dogged by dogmatism, which keeps the newspaper getting out of touch with the masses. Especially after 10 years of civil strife, the people’s newspaper has become a tool for Lin Biao and the “gang of four” to conduct a comprehensive dictatorship over the people. The news became the dough that the gang of four wanted to kneel casually according to their subjective desire to usurp party and government power. What is “big criticism brings about major changes”, “criticizing the theory of only productivity for promoting production” and so on, fake, big, empty, long, and sets of news filled the page. After the “Gang of Four” was smashed, newspapers returned to the hands of the people. Although the outlook changed, the influence of the “left” in the press work was not touched. Dogmatism was not liberated. We opened in 1978 eight