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近几年来,由于灌区生态的恶化,国民经济各部门用水量的持续增加,水资源日益紧张,用水矛盾日益突出,利用有限的水资源保持灌区工农业的可持续发展,建设节水型农业已成为灌区面临的主要任务。多年来,农业用水中包含洗盐用水,林草用水等,而实际上林草用水并非全部是生态用水。经济林,灌溉牧草是以经济产出为目标,而不是以生态保护为目标。本文以青铜峡河西灌区为例,区分生态用水,定量的计算出灌区的生态用水量,使得灌区的生态化建设更贴合实际,有利于指导灌区的水资源优化配置,因为我国灌区的水资源配置大多以经验为主,这种凭经验的做法很难有效的利用水资源,也很难使有效的水资源合理的优化配置。 In recent years, due to the deteriorating ecological environment in the irrigated area, the water consumption of various departments in the national economy continues to increase, water resources are increasingly tense, the contradictions of water use are becoming increasingly prominent, and the sustainable development of agriculture and industry in irrigated areas is maintained with limited water resources to build a water-saving agriculture Become the main task of irrigation district. For many years, agricultural water contains salt water, forest and grass water, etc. However, not all water for forest and grass is ecological water. Economic forests and irrigated pastures target economic output rather than ecological protection. This paper takes Qingtongxia Hexi Irrigation Area as an example to make a distinction between ecological water use and quantitative calculation of the ecological water consumption in the irrigated area so as to make the ecological construction of the irrigated area more practical and conducive to guiding the optimal allocation of water resources in the irrigated area because the water resources Most of the configuration experience-based, this is an empirical approach is difficult to effectively use water resources, it is difficult to rationalize the effective allocation of water resources.
瑞士是世界的“富翁”,一块手表名扬四海。欲了解瑞士近况,请看《走进日内瓦》 Switzerland is the world’s “millionaire,” a watch world-famous. To understand the c
在英国 Hertfordshire 和 Preston 进行的2个研究最早报道了出生时个头较小与成年后出现的糖耐量减低有关。此后在美国原住民、瑞典和美国白种人中进行的前瞻性研究证实了这
根据国办发[2000]46号文件精神 ,近日 ,国家工商局下发了《关于认真贯彻〈国务院办公厅转发国家旅游局等部门关于进一步发展假日旅游若干意见的通知〉 ,进一步搞好旅游市场监督管理的
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贵州省三都水族自治县素有“凤凰”一样美丽的地方”之誉。到处青山绿水,鸟语花香。 都柳江畔水乡的独特人文环境和十大自然美景佳境,更堪称一绝,令人心驰神往,叹为观止。
氟乙酰胺为剧毒灭鼠药,往往由于自服或误服而中毒,中毒后多表现为癫样发作。现就我院1年来收治的以癫样发作为首发症状的氟乙酰胺中毒6例分析如下。1 临床资料11 一般