理论宣传要立足基层 创新方式

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广东潮州市委适应新要求、新形势,针对新情况、新问题,从工作的内容、形式、作风等方面对推动党的创新理论大众化进行了新的探索,取得明显成效。一、着力于解疑释惑,增强理论工作说服力我们坚持常年组织理论工作者深入基层开展调查研究。通过多种形式,深入调查广大党员干部的思想状况,了解他们在现实生产、生活中遇到的重点、难点、疑点问 In accordance with the new requirements and the new situation, Guangdong Chaozhou Municipal Party Committee conducted a new exploration of popularizing the party’s innovative theory in terms of content, form and style of work in response to new situations and new problems and achieved remarkable results. First, focus on dispel doubts and enhance persuasion of theoretical work We adhere to the perennial organization of theoretical workers in-depth investigation and research at the grassroots level. Through various forms, we should conduct an in-depth investigation of the ideological status of a large number of party members and cadres and understand the key points, difficulties and doubts they encounter in actual production and life
广东罗浮山国学院附属学校依山傍水,占地6 hm^2多。其间一个小小的山谷中生长着数百棵高挑的树木,郁郁葱葱,四季常青。校方希望这里可以成为孩子们的活动场所,寓教于乐。深谷
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