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  万国迎春到 古诗也“吸粉”
  同吟一首诗 搭起文化桥
  On December 21, 2017, Yiwu, the world’s largest small commodity marketplace in central Zhejiang, conducted a cultural exchange program. A ceremony was held in front of the Television and Radio Tower. Over 50 members from the local international community stepped forward and cited , a four-line poem by Meng Haoran (689-740), a poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).   
  Spring Morning
  By Meng Haoran
  (Translated by Xu Yuanchong)
  This spring morning in bed I’m lying,
  Not to awake till birds are crying.
  After one night of wind and showers,
  How many are the fallen flowers?
  It is one of the most popular ancient poems of China. The short piece is easy to commit to memory. And it is beautiful. It also sounds beautiful in different languages.
  That is why Jinhua Channel of Zhejiang News App chose this poem to launch a program in celebration of the upcoming Spring Festival. As part of the program, in each issue, five members from the international community of Yiwu read a Chinese poem in both Chinese and their respective mother tongues.
  This poetry reading is sponsored by the local government and Jinhua Branch of Zhejiang Daily Press Group. More than 100 members from the international community signed up to read the poem bilingually.
  Among those internationals who read the poem, some are students, some are business people, and some are housewives who followed their husbands to Yiwu. Though their Putonghua is by no means perfect and their translations of the classic poem in their mother tongues are by no means perfect, one can hear their effort to understand the Chinese poem and their support for cultural exchanges and their desire for listeners to understand the beauty of their mother tongues.
  A boom town of international trade, Yiwu now boasts a lively international community including 13,000 business people from over 100 countries and territories. They have brought their cultures over to Yiwu and put down their roots in the market city. Meanwhile, Yiwu, a city of history and culture, has embraced the international community. Now, Yiwu is a city of multiple cultures.
  Poetry reading has been a regular cultural event that unites local Chinese and the international community.
  Toward the end of 2016, over 300 members from the international community of Yiwu got together and recited , another famous ancient Chinese poem. It was written by Luo Binwang (640-684), a native of Yiwu and poet of the Tang Dynasty. Luo wrote the poem at the age of seven. It is probably the most famous nursery rhyme in China. Almost every toddler in China begins their learning of Chinese poetry with this rhyme.
  O Geese
  by Luo Binwang
  (Translated by Xu Yuanchong)   O geese, O geese, O geese!
  You crane your neck and sing to sky your song sweet.
  Your white feathers float on green water with ease.
  You swim through clear waters with your red-webbed feet.
  Luo Binwang is widely remembered for his famous essay and poetry and for his integrity and courage. Quite a few places including a park and a street and a marketplace in Yiwu are named after the poet.
  On October 4, 2017, thirty-three international students from Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College gathered by a 1,000-year-old kiln in Gangyao Village, Yiwu and recited by Li Bai (701-762), presumably the greatest poet of the Tang Dynasty. They were there in celebration of the Moon Festival.
  A Tranquil Night
  By Li Bai, translated by Xu Yuanchong
  Abed, I see a silver light.
  I wonder if it’s frost aground.
  Looking up, I find the moon bright;
  Bowing, in homesickness, I’m drowned.
  Their reciting was live broadcast on CCTV Channel One and Channel Four for eight minutes. The international students recited the poem in both Chinese and in their mother tongues.
  “They were away from home. They were in a foreign country. Reading a poem of the foreign country, they were able to think of their family members far away and to project themselves in the poem. Some even added something from their cultures into the translation of the poem,” explained Ran Xiaoli, an associate professor with Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College and director of the service center for the international community of Yiwu.
中图分类号:G845 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)10-000-02  摘 要 网球运动是一项极具魅力而高雅的体育项目,在国际上享有极高的美誉度和极强的影响力,也是深受大学生喜爱的健身运动项目。因此在高校增加网球教学内容,是高校体育推行素质教育和全民健身运动深一步开展的需要。对推动高校体育教育改革和发展有一定的实践意义。  关键词 网球 高校学生 体育教学  高校体育教学
中图分类号:G846 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)10-000-02  摘 要 乒乓球是我国的国球,在各高校开展也较为普及,作为大学体育选项课之一,深受广大学生的喜爱。但乒乓球运动是一项专业性较强,运动周期较长的项目,如何在有限的课时内让学生更快、更好、更扎实地掌握乒乓球的基本技术,了解乒乓球竞赛规则,科学合理的教学方法和手段至关重要。本文根据笔者多年的运动经历和近几年的
中图分类号:G841 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)10-000-02  摘 要 近几年国际篮球规则修改变化较大,改变的核心是三分线距离扩大、三秒区改成长方形、增加进攻有利区,规则修改对篮球比赛中技、战术的运用产生了较大影响也对高校篮球技、战术教学和训练提出了更高的要求。本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法等研究方法,分析探讨FIBA新规则对篮球比赛及教学训练带来的影
20年前,有位美国人,名叫彼得·海斯勒,来到中国,教过书,当过记者,待了10多年,游历了中国的角角落落。10年前,这位美国人将他的经历写成了“中国三部曲”,引起了广泛关注。    而如今在浙江大学,有一位中文名叫岳凯涵的德国留学生,骑着一辆小型折叠车,行程5800公里穿越中国。从黑龙江漠河北极村,一直到海南三亚,这趟旅程历经近100天。  现在,他已经硕士毕业回到了德国慕尼黑。我和他约了北京时间1