可信 鉴今 育人——对《中国近现代历史纲要》(2013年修订版)“中编”内容的修改建议

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以古为鉴是历史信守的准则。有基于此对《中国近现代历史纲要》教材“中编”内容提出几点修改建议:将“军阀”的含义和特征阐述清楚;对“中国共产党成立的历史特点和意义”按内容的结构加以阐明;中国共产党“八七会议”的评价要全面客观;“走农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的道路”过程交代要完整;美军向日本投掷原子弹应有所提及;钓鱼岛主权归属应在抗战胜利的意义中加以体现;中国共产党为新中国奋斗的目标与过程要做到有机统一;“中国共产党与民主党派的合作”中的“合作”的内容要充实等等。 Learning from ancient times is the guideline of history. Based on this, we put forward some suggestions on how to amend the contents of the “Textbook of Contemporary Chinese History”: “the meaning and characteristics of the” warlord “; elaborate on the historical features and significance of the establishment of the” Chinese Communist Party “ According to the content of the structure to be clarified; evaluation of the ”Communist Party of China“ ”August 7 Conference“ should be comprehensive and objective; ”to take the road of rural encircling the city and armed seizure of power“ should be completed; the U.S. military should throw atomic bombs at Japan Mentioned that the sovereignty of Diaoyu Island should be reflected in the significance of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War; the goal and process of the Chinese Communist Party in striving for new China should be organically unified; the ”cooperation“ in ”the cooperation between the Chinese Communist Party and the democratic parties" To enrich the content and so on.
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