Overall Operation of the Industry in 12012 in 2012 The year of 2012 is the key to the 12th Five-year Plan for the Paper Industry in Sichuan Province to Reform and Expand Capacity, Adjust Product Structure, Save Energy and Reduce Emission, Eliminate Outdated Production Capacity, Implement Cleaner Production and Realize Sichuan’s Paper Industry Year, under the leadership of the province by the provincial letter and letter, under the guidance of the Provincial Paper and letter industry, Sichuan Provincial Paper Industry Association, under the guidance of the Association, with the joint efforts of cadres and workers in the province’s paper industry, from January to December 142 large and medium- , A total industrial output value of 20.49 billion yuan, an increase of 4.38%; paper and cardboard exports 51.71 million US dollars, an increase of 193.5%; to complete the production mechanism of paper and cardboard production