陈铭枢:铁军名将 中共诤友

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陈铭枢,广西合浦(原属广东)人,中国现代史上著名的民主革命家、德高望重的爱国将领,也是一位颇有名望的集诗人、书法家、出版家、佛学家于一身的人物。他早年参加同盟会,浴血武昌城头,投身辛亥革命。国共合作的国民革命时期,他挥师北伐,驰骋战场,赢得“铁军名将”称号。他为抗日救国出生入死,指挥笫十九路军发动淞沪抗战和福建起兵反蒋抗日。他积极协助李济深创建中国国民党革命委员会,成为民革的创始人之一。 Chen Mingshu, Guangxi Hepu (formerly Guangdong), the famous democratic revolutionary in China’s modern history, the highly respected patriotic generals, and also a famous figure in poet, calligrapher, publisher, and Buddhist. He joined the League in his early years, bloody Wuchang City head, join the Revolution. During the period of national revolution co-operated by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he took command of the Northern Expedition and took the battlefield to win the title of “Iron Knighthood”. He was born for the sake of resisting Japan and saving the nation, commanding the 19th Route Army to launch the Songhu Anti-Japanese War and Fujian’s resistance to Chiang Kai-shek. He actively assisted Li Jishen in establishing the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and became one of the founders of the Revolutionary Revolution.