落实会议精神 开创新的局面

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正当全国人民深入学习贯彻十六大精神热潮中,全国统计局长工作会议是在中国共产党的诞生地,又是中国最现代化、最具有活力的上海市胜利召开了。这次会议是实施统计改革和建设战略的开局之年的动员会,关乎全局,关乎长远,有着非常重要的现实意义。听了朱之鑫局长的报告,深感报告有高度、有深度、有广度,是一次深入学习十六大精神的辅导报告。会议突出了一个新字,会议首先用现代化的传播工具,给全体与会代表播放了朱镕基总理、温家宝副总理视察国家统计局的实况,大家聆听了两位总理语重心长的讲话,体现了党中央国务院领导高度重视统计工作,给统计工作提出了新的更高的要求,使每一个与会代表深受鼓舞。报告始终贯穿了十六大的核心即“三个代表”的重要思想。突出开局之年用新举措 As the people throughout the country intensively study and carry out the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, the work conference of the National Bureau of Statistics of China was held at the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party and the most modern and dynamic Shanghai city of China. This meeting is a mobilization meeting for implementing the first year of the statistical reform and construction strategy. It has very important practical significance in the overall context and in the long term. After listening to the report of Chief Secretary Zhu Zhixin, I deeply felt that there is a high degree of depth and breadth in my report, which is a tutoring report for further studying the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress. At the meeting, a new word was highlighted. First, the conference broadcast the Premier Zhu Rongji and Vice Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to the National Bureau of Statistics with the help of modern means of communication. All of you listened to the speeches made by the two premiers and reflected the leaders of the Central Party Committee and State Council Attaches great importance to statistics and puts new and higher requirements on statistics so that every delegate is greatly encouraged. The report runs through the core of the 16th CPC National Congress, that is, the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ Highlight the new start of the year with new measures
本文对1989年8月~12月南宁市机动车辆驾驶员共3624人进行了立体视觉调查。手边资料有关少数民族的报告尚不多见。现将结果报导如下: 一、调查资料 1、调查对象:南宁市(含市郊
笔者自 1998年以来运用自拟遗尿停方剂治疗小儿遗尿症 38例 ,收到满意的疗效。现总结如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料  38例患儿均符合《实用中医儿科学》关于遗尿症的诊