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有人说,二人转是“丑角艺术”。二人转“一人演多角”,本无固定角色又何谈“丑角”呢?不过是借丑角之名演滑稽罢了。然而,笔者这里抛出“丑角”这个概念,意在隆重推出一个“女丑”。刚接触盛喆时,就觉得这小丫头挺哏儿。她言语不多,怯生生的望着我,显得很拘谨。谁知一经进入排练场,大有初出茅庐之势,很能撒得开,敢于淋漓尽致地暴露自己的“丑”。她悟性极强,且富有灵气,不 Some people say that the duo is “Harlequin Art.” Two people to “play a multi-angle”, no fixed roles and talk about “harlequin” it? But by the name of the harlequins played funny. However, here I dished out the concept of “clown”, intended to launch a grand “female ugly.” Just contact Sheng Zhe, I feel that this little girl is pretty childish. Her few words, looked at me timidly, looked very cautious. Who knows once entered the rehearsal field, a great fledgling trend, it can sprinkle open, dare incisively expose their own “ugly.” She is very savvy and full of aura, no
京剧表演艺术家赵荣琛的得意弟子、中国戏曲学院教授陈琪 ,于 2 0 0 3年 8月 2日在北京隆重举行收徒仪式 ,这名程门弟子是陕西省京剧团的主演赵冬红。赵冬红曾于 1997年到中
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