Maklakov 眼压计在临床上已被广泛使用,本文作者祥述了孩眼压计的用法及注意事项。(1)使用 Maklakov 眼压计时令患者取卧位,以0.5%proparacaine 行角膜表面麻醉,此剂作用快而不损害角膜上皮。注视眼的直上方置一注视目标。测
Maklakov Tonometer has been widely used clinically, the author of this article describes the usage and precautions of tonometer. (1) Using a Maklakov tonometer, the patient is supine and anesthetized with 0.5% proparacaine on the corneal surface. This agent acts quickly without damaging the corneal epithelium. Look straight at the top of the eye to set a target. Measurement