
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djy0702
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Objective: To evaluate motor cortex excitability changes by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) following repetitive muscle contractionsE in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS); to state whether a typical pattern of post exercise motor evoked potentials (MEPs) is related to clinical fatigue in MS.Methods: In 41 patients with definite MS (32 with fatigue and 9 without fatigue according to Fatigue Severity Scale) and 13 controls, MEPs were recorded at rest: at baseline condition, following repetitive contractions until fatigue, and after fatigue, to evaluate post exerciseMEP facilitation (PEF) and depression (PED). Results: After exercise,MEP amplitude significantly increased both in patients and controls (PEF). When fatigue set in, MEP amplitude was significantly reduced in normal subjects (PED), but not in patients. Post exercise MEP findings were similar both in patients with and without fatigue. Conclusions: Our findings suggest an intracortical motor dysfunction following a voluntary contraction in MS patients, possibly due to failure of depression of facilitatory cortical circuits, or alternatively of inhibitory mechanisms. Objective: To evaluate motor cortex excitability changes by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) following repetitive muscle contractions E in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS); to state whether a typical pattern of post exercise motor evoked potentials (MEPs) is related to clinical fatigue in MS M Methods: In 41 patients with definite MS (32 with fatigue and 9 without fatigue according to Fatigue Severity Scale) and 13 controls, MEPs were recorded at rest: at baseline condition, following repetitive contractions until fatigue, and after fatigue, to evaluate post Results: After exercise, MEP amplitude significantly both in patients and controls (PEF). When fatigue set in, MEP amplitude was significantly reduced in normal subjects (PED), but not in patients . Post exercise MEP findings were similar both in patients with and without fatigue. Conclusions: Our findings suggest an intracortical motor dysfunction following a vo luntary contraction in MS patients, possibly due to failure of depression of facilitatory cortical circuits, or alternatively of inhibitory mechanisms.
中共中央政治局常委、中央党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组组长刘云山7月5日上午在京主持召开中央党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组会议,学习贯彻习近平总书记在中央政治局第十六次集体学习时的重要讲话精神,安排部署教育实践活动下步工作。  刘云山指出,习近平总书记重要讲话为深入推进教育实践活动、进一步加强党的作风建设提供了重要遵循。各级党委要切实用讲话精神统一思想,强化在党忧党的意识,把握从严治党的要求,
植物疯狂起来,也挺可怕的,不信,你瞧瞧。  东莞市南城区阳光第二小学五年级 贺俊宇  植物活过来了!狗尾巴草穿着医护服,来回穿梭于医院的各个病房;餐厅里,传菜、收盘、写单,忙忙碌碌的是猫耳草;川流不息的十字路口,铁树穿着交警服井然有序地指挥着来往车辆和行人;鱼腥草组成摇滚乐队,在全世界巡回演唱……不久,一个新品种——“植物人”诞生了。  鹏哥点评:“植物人”诞生,人类很生气!要知道,人类一直认为自