今年3月28日,国家计委、劳动部、能源部对进一步完善煤矿农民轮换工制度提出若干政策性意见,并经国务院批准。这些意见是: 1.适当放宽招工地区限制。煤矿招用农民轮换工应按照就地就近招收原则,在当地招收确有困难时,可以跨地区招收,但必须经双方地区劳动行政部门批准,并重点选择群众生活比较困难、劳动力比较富余的地区。2.建立严格的培训制度。农民轮换工进矿后,一律实行下井前为期不少于2~3个月的专门培训,进行有关煤矿生产、技术、安全基础知识、思想政治教育和纪律教育,经考试合格后,方可下井上岗,不合格者予以辞退。培训期间,由煤矿发给生活费。
On March 28 this year, the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Energy proposed a number of policy opinions on further improving the rotation system of peasant farmers, and was approved by the State Council. These comments are: 1. Appropriate relaxation of recruitment restrictions. Recruitment of peasants in coal mines should be based on the principle of nearest local recruit, recruit local difficulties indeed, you can recruit across regions, but must be approved by the labor administrative departments of both regions, and focus on the selection of people living more difficult, the labor surplus areas . 2. Establish a strict training system. After the peasants rotate their workers and work in the mines, they shall carry out special trainings of not less than 2 to 3 months prior to going down well to carry out basic education on coal production, technology and safety, ideological and political education and discipline education, and pass the examination only after they have passed the examination Post, unqualified to be dismissed. During the training, the living expenses will be paid by the coal mine.