前置胎盘是妊娠中晚期出血的主要原因之一,是妊娠期严重的并发症,如处理不当可危及母婴生命安全。近年来应用 B 超观察,临床发现中期孕前置胎盘较多的现象,现总结如下:对象及方法四年来初诊为16—20周,共计60例,每2周检查一次,直至分娩,随访观察妊娠结果。仪器:采用 Aloka—SSD630型 B 超机,探头频率3.5MHZ,常规膀胱充盈后探查。
Placenta previa is one of the main reasons for bleeding in the second trimester of pregnancy, severe complications during pregnancy, such as improper handling can endanger the lives of mothers and children. In recent years, the application of B-ultrasound, clinical findings of placenta previa in mid-term more phenomena are summarized as follows: Subjects and methods of four-year initial diagnosis of 16-20 weeks, a total of 60 cases, once every two weeks until childbirth, follow-up observation of pregnancy result. Instrument: Aloka-SSD630 B-type machine, the probe frequency 3.5MHZ, conventional bladder filling probe.