A Study On The Translation Strategies Of English Movie Titles From The Perspective Of Domescation

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  Abstract:This paper discusses the translation of English film titles from the perspective of domestication and foreignization.The purpose of this paper is to apply domestication and foreignization strategies in English movie titles translation on the basis of a good understanding of both two strategies.The significance of this paper is to provide more background and information to the later scholars and researchers in studying on the translation strategies of English movie titles from the perspective of domestication and foreignization.
  Key words:English movie titles;translation;domestication and foreignization
  1 Introductions of Domestication and Foreignization
  In 1813,Schleiermacher,a German translator pointed out in a speech on different translation methods: “there are two kinds of translation methods,translators should try not to “bother” the authors or the readers by choosing among the two.”Inspired by Schleiermacher,Italian language expert Lawrence first proposed the foreignization and domestication translation strategies in his books.Lawrence made the definitions of the domestication and foreignization as: “domestication refers to comply with the current mainstream values of the target language,so as to meet local law,publishing trends and political needs,while foreignization refers to the deviation from the mainstream values while retain the original content and cultural differences.”
  2 The Review of the English movie titles translation
  2.1 Regional Difference in English Movie Titles Translation
  Different regions have different translation versions towards movie titles.Since the reform and opening up,the exchanges between the three regions have become increasingly frequent.A large number of English films through Hong Kong and Taiwan translation came into China,which resulted in three different film translations existing in mainland market.
  2.2 Random Translation of English Movie Titles
  Besides the confusion caused by different translation versions,the accuracy of movies titles translation is also an important issue.Movie The Day After Tomorrow describes a fiction story centering on America that came into the ice age with great climate change.This movie mainly talks about the bad effect of the environment caused by human beings.The title of this film is《末日浩劫》in Taiwan,which is appropriate,while the version in China mainland are《后天》and 《明日之后》 which make the audience confusion.
  3 The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in English Movie Titles Translation   3.1 Cultural Heterogeneity in the Application of Domestication in English Movie Titles
  During the translation in two different national languages,due to the difference between history and culture,it will appear the phenomenon of cultural heterogeneity.Dealing with the phenomenon of “heterogeneity” in the process of translation,different translation strategies should be selected for different situations.
  When English film titles are translated into Chinese,translators should take the factor that Chinese people are linguistically in the habit of using four-character phrases and the poetic style with five or seven characters in a single line.Therefore,when English film titles are translated into the Chinese,translators have to take this factor into consideration.This can be illustrated by plenty of examples,such as,Shakespeare in Love(1998) 《莎翁情史》,Speed(1994)《生死時速》, Enemy at the Gate(2001)《兵临城下》,A Walk in the Clouds (1995)《云中漫步》,Catch Me If You Can(2002)《猫鼠游戏》,Scent of a Woman(1992) 《闻香识女人》,Pocahoutas《风中奇缘》,Far and Away《大地雄心》,etc.
  3.2 Cultural Heterogeneity in the Application of Foreignation in English Movie Titles
  In English movies,there are a lot of English film titles related to religion and myth.We cannot ignored the great influence of the ancient Greek myths of Rome as the source of the whole western culture to American culture.When translating this kind of title with strong cultural color,we can adopt the foreignization strategy.
  The Seven Year Itch (1955) is an American film,telling a story about a publisher who has been married with a young woman for seven years.And at the seventh year,their marriage has occurred a trouble,but both the couple didn’t give up their mind to restore their poor marriage.Finally,the couple have overcome the trouble and difficulty and love each other forever.This film was literally translated into 《七年之痒》 in Chinese and “七年之痒”,a totally foreign term,has since then been gradually accepted by Chinese audiences and has been widely spread in China after this film was introduced.
  4 Conclusion
  All in all,in movie titles translation research,we cannot separate these two strategies,the two translation strategies co-exist and complement each other.A good English movie title is determined by many factors besides the translation strategies such as the language,the style of the movie,the audience reaction and so on.So only combined these factors together we can produced a faithful,fluid and comprehensible translation attracted by the target audience.
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  [2]Wang,Dongfeng.About Domestication and Foreignization[J].Chinese Translators Journal,2002.
摘 要:在幼儿创意戏剧的开展中,笔者尝试结合本土文化,以民间童谣、故事为素材来开展幼儿创意戏剧活动。在活动开展过程中,尝试将戏剧素材、剧本生成、课程融合、材料投放同本土文化相结合,发挥幼儿主体性。幼儿在戏剧游戏的过程中,既能感受着本土特有的文化美,更是创造性地赋予表演独特的意义。  关键词:幼儿;创意戏剧;民间童谣  幼儿创意戏剧活动是以幼儿文学作品为基础,融合了音乐、舞蹈、造型、美术等各种要素的
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摘 要:对话教学是以师生心理世界的开放为特征,以互动为方式,通过语言交融、心灵交流,师生双方均从对话中获得道德和理性的升華。而语文对话教学则是指教师引导学生在听、说、读、写、思等语文教学实践中,以感悟、体验、倾听、沟通、合作为主要特征,在复杂丰富而且生动活泼的对话场中,通过与文本、作者、生活、自然、社会、人生等多元对话,达到视界的融合、精神的交融、思想的碰撞、情感的交流,从而有自己的独特发现,形成
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摘 要:师生关系,是社会关系体系中一个多因素的关系体系。良好的师生关系是提高教育质量的前提条件。教育需要爱来支撑,教师只有把爱的甘泉洒向学生的心田,让学生感觉到教师的关心,使学生获得心灵上的满足,才能引起对教师的亲近、崇敬和信任,才能缩短师生的心理距离,形成良好的师生关系,从而产生良好的教育效果。  关键词:师生关系;师爱  师生关系,是社会关系体系中一个多因素的关系体系,它既反映了社会政治、经济
很多来自偏远乡村幼儿园的年轻教师与城镇幼儿园年轻教师的教育教学水平有着很大的差距。为何在幼儿师范毕业的同样基础之上,经历了三至五年,就有这样大的差距,是她们在需要成长的路上,停下了脚步吗。笔者带着这样沉重的话题,对影响幼儿教师成长最大因素的乡村园本教研进行了深入的调查剖析。  一、掀起你的盖头来,让我看清你的全部  为了能准确地揭示出当前乡村幼儿园园本教研状况,我们对来自乡村幼儿园的二十位较年轻的
The study of learning strategies is an important part in the field of second language acquisition,which is recognized that some language learners learn a second language more effectively and successfu
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摘 要:“师者,所以传道授业解惑也”。教师就是传授道理、讲授学业、解答疑难问题的。贯穿其中的灵魂是爱心,这颗爱心体现在对学生的关心、关爱上,体现在对教师职业的喜爱上。爱自己的学生、无论他成绩好坏,都不放弃对他们的教育和培养;爱自己的职业,无论什么时候都站在主人翁的立场去工作。  关键词:特殊;闪光点;情感融合;激励;育人  “离离原上草,一树一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”每当想起这几句诗词,我