2006年4月在无锡市惠山区郊区发现钉螺复燃地块,有螺地块面积达87 580 m2,钉螺密度最高60只/0.11m2,平均1.27只/0.11 m2(1341/1060)。根据桃园内外不同环境采用不同的灭螺方法,桃园地块结合“伏灌”、“冬灌”及桃农正常生产活动,采用“保桃灭螺”方案,第1年较常规灭螺方案成本节约83.06%;连续灭螺3年后,未发现活螺,有螺地块面积及活螺密度下降率均为100.00%。
In April 2006, snail reactivation plots were found on the outskirts of Huishan District of Wuxi City. The snail land area is 87 580 m2 and the highest snail density is 60 /0.11 m2, averaging 1.27 /0.11 m2 (1341/1060). According to different environment inside and outside Taoyuan different methods of snail control, Taoyuan plots with “V irrigation ”, “winter irrigation ” and peach farmers normal production activities, “peach off snail ” program, the first year The conventional cost-saving program saved 83.06% of the cost. After three consecutive years of snail removal, no live snails were found, and the area of snail plots and the reduction rate of living snail densities were both 100.00%.