
来源 :巴音郭楞职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jpy_2008
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《诗经》是中国最早的文学样式,无论在思想上,还是在艺术上,在中国文学乃至世界文化史上都占有重要的地位,对后代文学有着很大的影响。《诗经·采薇》之所以成为305篇中的名篇之一,是因为它采取了多种表现手法来反映生活,其手法主要有:它采用了四言句式和民歌重章叠唱语言形式,音节和谐,达到了一唱三叹的艺术效果;运用了赋、比、兴的表现手法,加强了作品的形象性;运用多种修辞手法,融情入景,情景交融,用生动的形象写出了丰富的内容和复杂的感情。它还采用现实主义的创作风格,真实地反映了周代社会战争给人民带来的痛苦。 The Book of Songs is the earliest literary style in China, occupying an important position both in thought and in art, in Chinese literature and even in the world’s cultural history, and has a great influence on the literature of later generations. One of the 305 famous articles in The Book of Songs is the reason why it adopted a variety of expressions to reflect life. The main tactics are as follows: Form, syllable harmony, reached a singing and sighing of the artistic effect; the use of Fu, than, Xing performance techniques to enhance the image of the work; the use of multiple rhetorical devices, integration into the scene, blending scenes, with vivid Image to write a rich content and complex feelings. It also uses the realistic style of creation, which truly reflects the pain brought to the people by the social war in the Zhou Dynasty.
一个人犯了罪,应该得到法律的应有制裁。但在制裁的同时也必须给他们认罪服法和重新做人的机会。近年来,我省充分利用各种社会资源,将符合条件的轻型罪犯放入社区进行矫正,促使他们改正恶习,悔过自新。这一新型的人道主义刑罚实践,引起了社会的广泛关注。  严厉打击犯罪是巩固党的执政基础的重要方针,但是,宽缓刑罚,落实“惩办与宽大相结合”政策,更是提高党的执政能力建设的长久战略。从2004年5月开始,我省社区矫