水力侵蚀野外调查对全面调查和科学评价水力侵蚀现状、发展趋势和预测预报具有重要意义。水力侵蚀野外调查分为调查前,调查中,调查后3个阶段。调查前,利用1:10 000地形图或者询问当地人的方式,确定野外调查单元所在位置,然后利用遥感影像图辨别出地块边界,或者利用等高线特征、地貌特征在遥感调查底图spotdt上勾画地块。调查过程中,到达野外调查单元后首先拍摄标识照片,勾绘野外调查底图,然后填写水蚀野外调查表,拍摄景观照片。调查结束后,在室内清绘调查单元底图dt1、录入水蚀野外调查表与导入照片并上交成果。本次调查成果顺利地通过了国家级野外调查审核验收,说明我省水力侵蚀野外调查技术流程科学合理。
The field investigation of hydraulic erosion is of great significance for the comprehensive investigation and scientific evaluation of the status quo, development trend and prediction of water erosion. The field investigation of hydraulic erosion is divided into three stages: before investigation, during investigation and after investigation. Before the survey, the location of the field investigation unit was determined by 1: 10,000 topographic maps or by asking the locals. Then the remote sensing image maps were used to identify the boundaries of the plots or the contour features were used. On the plot plots. During the investigation, first of all, after reaching the field investigation unit, take a photo of the logo, draw a map of the field survey, fill in the water erosion field survey and take a picture of the landscape. At the end of the investigation, the indoor survey dt1 was drafted, the water erosion field questionnaire and photos were imported, and the results were submitted. The survey results passed the state-level field investigation audit acceptance, indicating that the province’s field investigation of hydraulic erosion technology is scientific and rational.