
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaohenghao
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进入90年代,福建省有计划、有重点地增辟了一批海空口岸,实施新一轮口岸大开放,逐步形成与福建经济发展相匹配的口岸分布格局。 1991年,东山港经国务院批准正式对外国籍船舶开放,拉开了福建新一轮口岸大开放帷幕;1992年福建炼油厂10万吨级专用油码头获准对外国藉油轮开放;1993年宁德城澳港获准设立一类口岸;1994年福清湾松下港获准对外开放;1995年12月国务院批准湄州湾秀屿港和泉州肖厝港正式对外开放。与此同时根据需要适时开辟了樟湾、罗源淡头、祥芝等二类口岸,使之与一类口岸相辅相成,构成海空口岸齐全,一、二类口岸并开的格局。到目前为止,全省已开放13个海空一类口岸,38个海港二类口岸,24个对台小额贸易口岸和11个对台长短期渔工劳务起运口岸。全省沿海每个地(市)都设有国家一类口岸,沿海每个县(市)都辟有地方二类口岸,不但开展了港澳运输,而且开辟了日本等航班、航线和集装箱运输业务。 Into the 90’s, Fujian Province, a planned, focused on the addition of a number of air and sea ports, the implementation of a new round of port opening up, and gradually form and Fujian’s economic development to match the port distribution pattern. In 1991, Dongshan Port, officially approved by the State Council for the opening up of ships of foreign nationality, opened the curtain on the opening of a new round of ports in Fujian. In 1992, the 100,000-ton dedicated oil terminal of Fujian Refinery was allowed to open to foreign countries by oil tankers. In 1993, Hong Kong was allowed to set up a class of ports; 1994, Fuqing Bay Matsushita allowed to open to the outside world; December 1995 the State Council approved Xiuyu Meizhou Bay and Quanzhou Xiao Chu back to Hong Kong officially opened. In the meantime, Cangban, Luoyou Shuantou, Xiangzhi and other second-class ports were opened as needed in a timely manner to complement the first-class ports to form a pattern of complete opening of ports for both air and sea and opening of ports of one or two types. So far, the province has opened 13 ports of type 1 for air and sea, 38 ports for type 2, 24 ports for small trade and 11 ports for short-term fishermen. There are first-class national ports in every place (city) along the coast of the province. Each county (city) along the coast has its own second-class ports of entry. It not only has carried out transport between Hong Kong and Macao, but also opened up flights, air routes and container transportation businesses in Japan .
  Understanding the genetic architecture [e.g.,the number,location,and effect of quantitative trait locus (QTL)] of ecologically important traits is crucial f