住院病人的病例组合研究是基于大样本患者的病情和治疗信息。我们依据军队医院完整、准确的病案首页数据库 ,建立内、外科治疗分开的住院病人病例组合方案。资料与方法(一 )资料来源 :收集 1998年数百所军队医院收治的全部住院病人的病案首页 ,共 142 0 6 92例。(二 )方法 :回
The case-combination study of inpatients is based on the condition and treatment information of a large sample of patients. Based on the complete and accurate medical records home database of the military hospital, we established a separate inpatient case combination plan for internal and surgical treatment. Materials and Methods (1) Source: Collecting 142,692 cases of the total number of inpatients admitted to hundreds of military hospitals in 1998. (b) Method: Back