阳光第一次照耀2005的时候,每个人的心情都是新的。 但是,很多本该来到2005的人,却永远地留在了2004。 岁末的这场海啸,让几十万人的生命之钟停摆,给2004划上了灰暗的句号。 可是印度洋海啸造成的伤势,并未因年历掀开新的一页终止。死亡人数在不断上升:2万、6万、15万……有人估计,这个数字最终可能达到50万。 事实上,死亡数字,也许会成为一个谜。在印尼的边远村落,印度的原始森林,救援人员根本无法到
When the sun shines for the first time in 2005, everyone’s mood is new. However, a lot of people who should have arrived in 2005 will remain in 2004 forever. This tsunami at the end of the year stopped hundreds of thousands of people’s lives and laid a dark end to 2004. However, the injury caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami did not end with a new page opened by the calendar year. The death toll is on the rise: 20,000, 60,000, 150,000 ... Some estimate that this figure could eventually reach 500,000. In fact, the death toll may become a mystery. In Indonesia’s remote villages, India’s primitive forests, rescue workers simply can not come